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Stereological Analysis of Capillaries in Electrostimulated Human Muscles

M. Cabric1 , H.-J. Appell2, A. Resic3

1 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Split University, Split, Yugoslavia
2 Institute for Experimental Morphology, Deutsche Sporthochschule, Cologne, FRGermany
3 Department of Surgery, General Hospital, Split, Yugoslavia


The effects of two methods of electrical stimulation on the capillary density in skeletal muscle was studied. Twenty-two male physical education students randomly divided into two groups participated in the experiment. Groups I and II were subjected to the procedure of electrical stimulation of m. triceps surae daily for a period of 21 days. Group I was stimulated by an alternating current of relatively low frequency (50 Hz), and group II was stimulated by an alternating current of relatively high frequency (2000 Hz). Biopsy specimens were obtained from the lateral portion of m. gastrocnemius 1 week before the stimulation and 1 day after the completion of the stimulation period. The capillary network was analyzed using morphometric and stereological techniques. Significant changes were found for capillary number in cross section, capillary density, intercapillary distance, tissue cylinder corresponding to one capillary (Krogh’s cylinder) in both groups, and for capillary number-to-fiber area ratio in group I.

Differences between the results of groups I and II were not significant in any cases. The changes observed speak in favor of an improved capillary supply to skeletal muscle after electrical stimulation.


Estudio comparativo entre estiramientos musculares de isquiotibiales mediante tensión activa vs electroestimulación con TENS-EMS.


Publicado el19 September 2009


Los resultados obtenidos observamos que el estiramiento mediante TENS-EMS genera mayores ventajas que aquellos con tensión activa al disminuir la retracción músculo tendinosa de isquiotibiales y aumentar la amplitud articular en términos de la extensión de rodilla de una manera cómoda, de fácil aplicación, pudiendo el paciente corregir su postura cada vez para conservar una tensión en el músculo que se está estirando y deja actuar la corriente. Además, permite evitar una contractura refleja debida a un stretching o estiramiento incorrectamente dosificado. De esta manera, el paciente tolera mejor el estiramiento, por lo que su disposición y confianza hacia el fisioterapeuta va ser mayor su colaboración más positiva y el resultado óptimo.


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