MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT THE EMS (electro muscular stimulation)
As we all know every time something new is discovered lots of people try to contrast and give light to any possible dark it could have. This has also happen with the EMS.
If you continue reading you will get a deeper understanding of this whole new world and discover which of these statements about the EMS are anything but myths.
It is not a proved technique.
The EMS has being used since the early 1950’s, mainly for physiotherapists to help decrease the rehab time. It was in 1973 when it started to be used as a training method for strength enhancement. Nowadays multiple companies produce EMS stations but EMS online is the only company which provides you with anything you could need to use an EMS station and stay safe while you see how much gain you do in only a few weeks.
It is not for me, only lazy people use it
We can say, for sure, that the training time is hugely reduced when we compare a traditional training with the EMS training. Even though we can’t forget that EMS is just an accessory to help us reach our goal. It requires time, effort, aptitude and will to make your goal a reality.
Weight lose since first training
I am sorry to say this is not 100% true. As any other physical activity EMS should be included in a healthy life style, which means you have to be conscious of what you are eating, walk everywhere if you can… you need to be active and keep in mind the recommended amount of calories an adult should take a day. And obviously you need a good trainer to be by your side and help you get where you want.
What we can truthfully say is: if you are constant with your trainings, eat healthy food and a have a good trainer by your side you will lose weight on a faster way.
EMS has lots of benefits and it’s suitable for everybody without having to take in to account the age or physical condition. The only thing we have to do is adapt the training for each person.
1.More than 300 muscles get invigorate
EMS is the best way to invigorate your whole body
2.Fat lose
When you make your muscles work as much as with an EMS training your body will consume larger amounts of fat, even after you finish your training, your body will keep burning for a while.
3.It helps to make cellulite disappear
When you make your connective tissues grow stronger and combine it with a higher blood flow you make the superficial fat go away. The first sights of these can be seen after a few weeks of training.
4.Shorter rehab time. Painkiller for chronic conditions
EMS is the only technique that allows you to do high intensity training without making your articulations suffer, which means you do not put any additional stress on them while you are training and this allows us to make the muscular structure stronger and reduce the chronic pain. We can’t forget the origins of EMS; it was first used in rehab centres. Just 25 minutes with EMS training are equivalent to 3 hours of standard training, this time reduction means almost all the stress in your articulations is removed.
5.Increases physical conditions (strenght, velociti and resistance)
Thanks to the variety of movements you can do when you are wearing the complete EMS equipment (electrodes vest, belt and straps) you will be able to train any kind of strength or resistance. With only a little effort you will get huge results.
6.Increases the levels of endorphin, growth hormones and reduces stress hormones
When you increase you endorphin levels you fell happier, better, more confident and have more self-esteem. When all these things happen you fell more relax and cortisol hormone is reduced.
7.Whole muscular activation
Whit the electrical stimulation deeper muscular layers are contracted giving us full body training.
8.Higher intra and inter muscular condition
When you use an EMS equipment more than 300 muscles move at the same time what helps you improve the coordination of these more than 300 muscles.
9.Fits any sport you can think of
Even if you thought of a water sport the EMS fits it. Every sport has something in common when we talk about the training sessions and this is the time spent in the gym. Thanks to the variety of movements you can do with the EMS equipment on, you can use it while doing the “standard” exercises and get further on the training.
10.Increases your wellbeing and health
It’s generally known that every time you do sport you feel better, happier and more relaxed, if you combine this with the feeling you have when you feel you have done your best during the training session and see the results, these happier feelings get to fill your whole mind and you feel satisfied.